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If you have driven by our office, you may have noticed a whopper of a For Sale sign, but rest assured, Lett + Sweetland are still working as usual.

Like many businesses our adoption of flexible working arrangements during the pandemic, brought into question our need for our existing office premises.

With our team successfully working remotely, we took the difficult decision to depart our long-established studio and embrace a move to a more agile way of working, which offers greater flexibility for our staff whilst continuing to offer the highest standards of service to our clients.

New House Farm

January 14, 2020

Conversion + extension of an existing stone farmhouse + attached stone barn.

Currently on the market with Grant & Co

Light, space, view and scale

January 01, 2020

Light, space, view and scale - Interior model views of our current design for extensions + modifications to an existing residential dwelling.

Unique countryside setting near the Cotswolds

August 15, 2019

Planning application recently submitted for a new rural business development in a unique countryside setting near the Cotswolds with a rustic palette of Cotswold Stone, vertical timber boarding and zinc elements to weather the development into the surroundings.

The development will provide office spaces separated by external courtyards and walled gardens to create unique individual break out spaces and provide visual transparency to the beautiful countryside beyond.

New Team Member at Lett + Sweetland

June 30, 2019

Lett + Sweetland would like to welcome James Gidden to the team as our new Part II Architectural Assistant. To read more about James and the rest of the team, click on the photo.


Award for Excellence & Inspiration for An Outstanding Almshouse Project

June 04, 2019

Lett + Sweetland Architects are delighted that our project at Sir Thomas White Court in Worcester received the Award for Excellence & Inspiration for An Outstanding Almshouse Project at the 2019 Almshouse Association Awards held in London on 5th June 2019.


Comprising of the conversion of an empty office building and an adjacent new build block, Sir Thomas White Court was developed by Worcester Municipal Charities and provides 10 single bed apartments for adults at risk of homelessness in the City of Worcester.

Callow End Extension

April 16, 2019

L+SA have recently secured planning approval for a contemporary single storey extension in Callow End, Worcestershire.

The scheme continues the existing rhythm of pitched roofed houses separated by flat roofed garages, that characterises the surrounding area, to provide a new master bedroom suite overlooking a private garden to the rear.

The height of the new extension is kept purposefully low to protect the amenity of the neighbouring properties and its materiality echoes the summerhouses, sheds and timber fencing in the surrounding gardens, giving an appropriate backdrop to the existing mature planting.

Royal Grammar School Worcester

March 01, 2019

The ‘Godfrey Brown’ Theatre Refurbishment and Extension at Royal Grammar School Worcester. Completed December 2018.
Value: £2m

This challenging project took 16 months to complete.


Photos courtesy of AM Griffiths

The Almshouse Association Patrons Award 2018

February 27, 2019

We are delighted that our recently completed project to provide 10 new apartments for the homeless in Worcester has been shortlisted for The Almshouse Association Patrons Award 2018. A big thank you to everyone involved.

New Conversion Approval to Benefit the Homeless

February 20, 2019

Lett & Sweetland have received planning approval for the conversion of the former Maggs Clothing Store in Worcester into 2 individual apartments for the homeless on behalf of Worcester Municipal Charities CIO.
The scheme to convert the Grade II listed building, one of five making up a Georgian Terrace in Sansome Place, was supported by Historic England and will begin on site in March 2019.

19th Century Stone Built Cottage Planning

February 12, 2019

L+SA have submitted a planning application for an extension to a 19th century stone built cottage on the western slopes of the Malvern Hills for a private client. The new extension which comprises of a new glazed link, master bedroom suite and guest suite, is part of a wider refurbishment and renovation of the existing single storey house.

Conversion of Grade II Former Probation Service Offices

February 08, 2019

L+SA have submitted a planning application for the conversion of the Grade II former Probation Service Offices in Worcester to 25 individual apartments for the homeless on behalf of Worcester Municipal Charities CIO.

Sir Thomas White Court Grand Opening

November 19, 2018

Lett + Sweetland are proud to be a part of Sir Thomas White Court. From the very first meeting, we knew this was a special project and cannot be more pleased for the residents who will occupy this lovely building.

We are hiring!

March 27, 2018

Lett + Sweetland are looking for:

RIBA Part II Graduates




If this is something that interests you, please visit our Vacancies page for more information.

Lett + Sweetland Architects Website Launch

March 19, 2018

Lett + Sweetland are proud to launch our new website. 19th March 2018!

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©2018 Lett + Sweetland Architects Ltd.

Worcester based design-led Architects


Office Move Update:
Lett + Sweetland Architects are still operational and running. Email addresses are published on our Contacts page should you wish to get in touch.

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